Download stronghold crusader for small-sized pc

Download stronghold crusader for small-sized pc 

 : About Stronghold Crusader 

Stronghold Crusader game of the most famous games, which of the type of strategic games where the player is required to create an empire controlled from all physical and moral aspects and create an army and an impervious fortress of enemies. The game is adapted from the Crusades and the conflicts that also took place between the states in the Middle East as a spatial framework for the course of events, which are similar to real historical events

The game was developed compared to an old version of the previous and by adding many features and additions that were introduced to the game, the most prominent of which is the multiplicity of resources through which the player can provide ways to protect and fortify the castle and empire. 

Also, many resources have been provided to help please the parish and the villagers with the multiplicity of sources of livelihood, similar to the multiplicity of personalities available to strengthen the army with different skills and abilities of each combat figure
Download stronghold crusader for small-sized pc

: Release date and publisher
Stronghold Crusader was released on September 25, 2002 for the English company specialized in the development and production of video games "Firefly Studios", and the game runs on the computer
: The requirements of running the game on the computer

Windows: XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32 or 64 Bit

+CPU: Intel Pentium 4 Or Amd Athlon MP-1900

Carte Graphique: Nvida Geforce 6500 Or Amd Radeon HD-2350 Pro

Ram: 128 MB

Hard Disk: 850 MBDownload stronghold crusader for small-sized pc

: Download Stronghold Crusade
: About download
The size of the download file of the game specifically 635 MB
The download file of the game matches all the match with the original version of the game and there is no problem or malfunction after checking and adjusting in the damage of some folders also the option to give up some files or unwanted additions is available when installing the game such as additional languages or programs that have already been installed in the device by To.
DLL files are included with the download file to avoid a problem when playing the game and avoid the lack of required files
The download supports the supplement property so if there is any emergency of the device or even after the computer extinguisher you can continue loading from where the download stopped and without any problem
: How to install the game after downloading
After downloading "Stronghold crusader" on the computer opens the place of downloading the game, which will be a compressed file and with the help of the decompression program "Winrar" or "7Zip" decompress the game file by clicking on the right button of the mouse and then go for the option of "Extract here" or "Extraire-ici" " in French and then wait for the appearance of a new file for the game and after opening it is clicked on the icon of the installation of the game "SetUP" and wait until the completion of the installation successfully and the operation of the game
the time of installation of the game ranges between 2 and 7 minutes depending on the capabilities of the computer
: Direct link to download the game